PeiPC – Mathématiques 1


Je vais succeder au Prof. Santharoubane comme chargée du cours de Maths en PeiPC, module d'Algèbre/Géométrie, qui va se dérouler à partir du 3 Novembre 2015.


Un programme provisionnel inclut :

  • Droites, plans, equations cartésiennes et forme paramétrique
  • Produit scalaire et produit vectoriel
  • Nombre complexes : trigonométrie, exponentielle complexe, le plan d'Argand-Gauss
  • Espaces vectoriels et affines, sous-espaces : indépendance linéaire, bases, formule de Grassmann
  • Applications linéaires et matrices, théorème du rang, changement de bases

Après une introduction à la géométrie en \mathbb{R}^2 et \mathbb{R}^3 et aux nombres complexes, on va traiter les thèmes du poly de PeiP1 S2, que vous pouvez utiliser comme référence.


The scaling limit of random outerplanar maps



Third take on a talk about outerplanar maps, and perhaps the most complete account I ever gave of this paper; the slides are the same those of the Journée YSP, with an extra section that describes the core algorithm. Sorry about the annoying video format; an incredibly heavy pdf file is available here.

A planar map is outerplanar if all of its vertices belong to a single (outer)face. The scaling limit for various classes of large planar maps has been shown to be the so-called “Brownian Map”; under certain conditions, however, different asymptotic behaviours may emerge, and some classes of planar maps with a macroscopic face admit Aldous’ CRT, or a scalar multiple thereof, as the scaling limit. We shall see that this is the case for outerplanar maps as well: using a bijection by Bonichon, Gavoille and Hanusse one can show that uniform outerplanar maps with n vertices, suitably rescaled by a factor 1/\sqrt{n}, converge to 7\sqrt{2}/9 times the CRT.


Stage Senior 2014


Come sempre, qui i video prodotti al senior di quest'anno.

Per quanto mi riguarda, mi sono toccate A2 e A3 basic (disuguaglianze/funzionali), per le quali ho prodotto (unicamente grazie al tampinamento di Sam) un file di prerequisiti (specialmente su somme cicliche e simmetriche). A C2 medium abbiamo parlato di Combinatorial Nullstellensatz.



This section of the website is under construction since about 2015. Sorry!

My PhD-student self was adamant that a personal website needed a space to share non-mathematical projects with the world. Perhaps she was right? Expect some samples of my graphic design work and crafting projects at some point in the future... maybe?



Growing uniform planar maps face by face, with A. Stauffer, to appear in Random Structures and Algorithms.
Bijections for Ranked Tree-Child Networks, with M. Fuchs, G.-R. Yu, Discrete Mathematics, Volume 345, Issue 9 (2022).
A polynomial upper bound for the mixing time of edge rotations on planar maps, Electron. J. Probab. 25: 1-30 (2020).
Polynomial mixing time of edge flips on quadrangulations, with A. Stauffer, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (2019).
Self-avoiding walks on the UIPQ, with N. Curien, In: Sidoravicius V. (eds) Sojourns in Probability Theory and Statistical Physics - III. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, vol 300 (2019). Springer, Singapore.
Geometry of the Uniform Infinite Half-Planar Quadrangulation, with N. Curien, Random Struct Alg. (2018); 52: 454– 494. doi:10.1002/rsa.20746
The Scaling Limit of Outerplanar Maps, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., Volume 52, Number 4 (2016), 1667-1686. doi:10.1214/15-AIHP694

PhD Thesis
The geometry of large outerplanar and half-planar maps (written under the supervision of Prof. Nicolas Curien and Prof. Franco Flandoli).

See here for a lighter version, missing abstracts and larger illustrations.

Master's Thesis
Lagrangians of Hypergraphs (written under the supervision of Prof. Imre Leader and Prof. Roberto Dvornicich).